Quickstart Guide

Eager to get started? This page gives a good introduction in how to get started with goodreads_api_client.


First, make sure you have goodreads_api_client installed:

$ pip install goodreads_api_client

Now let’s get started with a simple example.

Basic Usage

Make sure you have a Goodreads developer key first

Begin by importing the goodreads_api_client module:

>>> import goodreads_api_client as gr

Create a client:

>>> client = gr.Client(developer_key='<YOUR_DEVELOPER_KEY>')

Call the API:

>>> book = client.Book.show('1128434')

This will give you back an OrderedDict with the contents of the Goodreads API response, minus some generally useless request metadata. That means you could do a transformation like:

>>> keys_wanted = ['id', 'title', 'isbn']
>>> reduced_book = {k:v for k, v in book.items() if k in keys_wanted}
>>> reduced_book
{'id': '1128434', 'title': 'The Last Wish (The Witcher, #1)', 'isbn': '0575077832'}

Book is just one of many resources goodreads_api_client supports. For the full list, see Resources. For the methods available for a given resource, see the individual resource class.

Oauth Usage

Some Goodreads API endpoints are only available by using OAuth.

Begin by importing the goodreads_api_client module:

>>> import goodreads_api_client as gr

Create a client:

>>> client = gr.Client(developer_key='<YOUR_DEVELOPER_KEY>',

Authorize the client (this will open up your browser if you have not authenticated against Goodreads before and stored your credentials):

>>> client.authorize()

Call the API:

>>> rec = client.Recommendation.show('25047806')