Contributor’s Guide

goodreads_api_client is under active development, and contributions are more than welcome!

  1. See open issues on Github
  2. Create a pull request against the master branch and tag @mdzhang for review
  3. Once you get a :+1: and all CI checks are passing, go ahead and merge

Updating Tests

This library uses VCR for recording Goodreads API responses to use during tests. When adding new tests, you should add new API response recordings, aka cassettes. To record new cassettes, you’ll need

  1. a Goodreads developer key
  2. to put your keys into GOODREADS_API_KEY and GOODREADS_API_SECRET environment variables, using something like direnv
  3. to blow away old cassettes (if necessary)
  4. to re-run make test to re-record cassettes

For Oauth tests, you also want to

  1. Run client.authorize() locally (e.g. from a Python REPL) to generate a client.json file

#. to uncomment the test patch blocking triggering the Oauth setup flow in <goodreads_api_client/tests/resources/>, specifically the patch_transport.start() line # to re-run make test to re-record cassettes

And that should be it.

Code Linting

The CI is currently setup to lint all files, but you can also use Yelp’s pre-commit to run lint checks as pre-commit hooks